• April 13, 2024

Heavy rains in Haryana damage crops stored in open in Anaj Mandi

The Haryana Meteorological Department had predicted rain on Saturday. There had been a change in the weather for the past three to four days and the Meteorological Department had also predicted rain. There is a possibility of crop damage due to getting wet in the rain, due to which farmers and commission agents will have to suffer losses. Not lifting on time is considered to be the biggest reason for the loss.

Thousands of quintals of wheat and mustard crops kept open in the mandi got drenched in the rain due to heavy rain on Saturday afternoon. Thousands of quintals of wheat and mustard crops kept open in the mandi got drenched in the rain due to heavy rain. Farmers and commission agents will have to suffer losses. Not lifting on time is considered to be the biggest reason for the loss. The grain lying in the open has become a victim of the rain, due to which farmers and commission agents will have to suffer losses.

Here are some of the key points from the text:

  • The Haryana Meteorological Department had predicted rain on Saturday.
  • There had been a change in the weather for the past three to four days and the Meteorological Department had also predicted rain.
  • Thousands of quintals of wheat and mustard crops kept open in the mandi got drenched in the rain due to heavy rain on Saturday afternoon.
  • Farmers and commission agents will have to suffer losses.
  • Not lifting on time is considered to be the biggest reason for the loss.

#HaryanaRain #CropDamage #AnajMandi #Zirakpur

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