• February 13, 2024

Former Army Chief Gen VP Malik unveils Jatin’s second book ‘Muntazir’

Former Army Chief Gen VP Malik unveils Jatin’s second book ‘Muntazir’

Former Army Chief Gen VP Malik unveils Jatin’s second book ‘Muntazir’

By Ramesh K Dhiman


Another book of literature celebrating hope and wait got added to the rich repertoire of Hindi-Urdu literature with the unveiling of an anthology of Urdu poetry in Devanagri script, “Muntazir”.

Written by acclaimed poet Jatin Salwan, ‘Muntazir’ is dedicated to the idea of ‘intezaar’ (wait)

General V.P. Malik , former Chief of Army and Dr. K.K. Rattu, former senior officer of Indian Broadcasting Services and former Director of Media Studies DAV University, Jalandhar, JNU Jaipur and RBU Mohali, Balkar Sidhu, President, Punjabi Lekhak Sabha and Film Folk Dancer and Theatre artiste, publisher Hardeep Chandpuri and many well known personalities shared the dais to unveil ‘Muntazir’ released this anthology at Punjab Kala Bhawan here Saturday.

Speaking on the occasion General V.P. Malik said that just like his earlier literary work – ‘Phoori’ – Jatin’s frugal use of the apt words create an extraordinary imagery of sorts casting a unique glow on the tapestry of human experience, adding that his
each and every word is a brushstroke, delicately creating captivating canvas of sentiments with the sparkling hues of intensity and vulnerability, which indeed is a quantum leap into the reservoir of emotions, and an intimate journey which is both personal and universal, resonating with every reader of the meaningful poetic works.

Another legendary Hindi writer and author and author of more than 75 books, Dr. K.K. Rattu, who travelled all the way from Jaipur (Rajasthan), to be a part of the launch of the anthology,
said that in the evolving mod society, Jatin’s verses are refreshing perspectives that transcend the realm of unspoken word, unveiling the fragility, helplessness and yet a powerful stroke of expectancy that coexists within human psyche.

Later, in an animated pow wow with Amulya Shukla, motivational speaker, founder and host of Kavyanjali, Salwan said that the anthology he had authored was a collection of poems written during the past over 25 years pieced together, celebrating the flighty human spirit that continues to sparkle amidst hope, adding that the imposing theatre of life, each heartbeat is a cue, and we all are sitting in the front row, waiting for the next scene. Governed by the the cycle of birth to death, we all are waiting desperately hope of something to bring cheer to our lives. He added that if we spend our entire life waiting for the storm, we will never enjoy the sunshine.

Prof Archana R Singh, School of Communication Studies PU recited some poems from the book in her own inimitable style, earning her a huge round of applause.

Earlier, while welcoming the distinguished guests, Balkar Sidhu, appreciated the language of expression and the justice done to the flow of thoughts by Jatin, which portrayed the sensitivity of the poet in playing with the words that will definitely create a emotive connect with the heart and soul of the reader.

The programme began with an elegant cinematic biopic on the footprints of Salwan’s journey in his own velvety voice, which has been written, produced and directed by National ‘Rajat Kamal’ awardee Ojaswwee Sharma.

Salwan, a High Court a lawyers by profession, is a sensitive human being and a poet of calibre, who not only writes, paints, draw sketches, but is also an avid environmentalist whose favourite gift to anyone is a plant, and is credited with planting thousands of trees on barren patches surrounding the city. His first book of Punjabi with a foreward from eminent writer Surjit Patar, which received rave reviews.

The crew of the biopic including Ojaswwee Sharma, Music Director Navjot Siaan, head of post-production Bhasker Pandey, cinematographer Sandeep Kumar, and child artiste Sanvi Sharma were also felicitated on the occasion.

Prominent among those present included, Ranjana Malik ,Sunaini Sharma Guleria, educationists, literarature lovers from the tricity, members of Punjab Kala Parishad, Punjabi Lekhak Sabha, Chandigarh Sahitya Academy, Novel bunch, Chandigarh Literary Society among others.

The event was compered by Sarvpriya Nirmohi, a prominent face in the tricity.

Bhoopinder Malik, Secretary, Punjabi Lekhak Sabha presented a vote of thanks to the audience, marking the literary evening.


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