• February 28, 2024

Himachal Vidhan Sabha’s Fifth Session Concludes Successfully

Himachal Vidhan Sabha’s Fifth Session Concludes Successfully

Himachal Vidhan Sabha’s Fifth Session Concludes Successfully

Honorable Speaker of the Himachal Vidhan Sabha, Shri Kuldeep Singh Pathania, addressed the media representatives after the conclusion of the session on February 28, 2024. He expressed satisfaction with the smooth functioning of the assembly, marking the fifth session as a resounding success.

Key Highlights of the Session
Duration and Productivity: The session spanned over 56 hours and 1 minute, with an impressive productivity rate of 93.33%. Notably, the ruling party had 29 hours and 23 minutes for the Chief Minister’s budget speech, while the opposition and independent legislators were allotted 25 hours and 48 minutes and 26 minutes, respectively.

Legislative Business: A total of 12 meetings were convened during the session, which commenced with the Governor’s address on February 14, 2024. Subsequently, discussions were held on various subjects over the course of two days, followed by deliberations on the budget estimates for the fiscal year 2024-2025 from February 17 to 22. The session culminated with the passage of the budget on February 28, 2024.

Participation and Engagement: Members of the assembly actively participated in the proceedings, posing a total of 917 questions to the government. Of these, 626 questions were registered online, while 291 were submitted offline. Additionally, meaningful discussions were conducted on several topics under Rule 62 and Rule 101, reflecting the legislators’ commitment to addressing pertinent issues.

Acknowledgments and Appreciation
Shri Pathania extended his gratitude to the Speaker, Honorable Chief Minister Sukhwindar Singh Sukkhu, Leader of the Opposition Jairam Thakur, Parliamentary Affairs Minister Harsh Vardhan Chauhan, Deputy Speaker Vinay Kumar, and all members of the assembly for their invaluable contributions towards the session’s success.

He also thanked the Vidhan Sabha Secretary, officials, and staff for their tireless efforts in ensuring the smooth conduct of proceedings. Special appreciation was extended to the employees of the Himachal Pradesh Tourism Development Corporation for providing timely and delicious meals during the session.

Festive Greetings
On a concluding note, Shri Pathania extended warm wishes to the residents of Himachal Pradesh and the nation on the occasions of Mahashivratri and Holi, invoking prosperity and happiness for all.

#Himachal VidhanSabha #SessionConclusion #LegislativeBusiness #Productivity #Participation #Gratitude #FestiveGreetings #SuccessCelebration

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