• October 1, 2023

Suffering from persistent cold Dalai Lama canceled teachings on 2nd and 3rd Oct

Suffering from persistent cold Dalai Lama canceled teachings on 2nd and 3rd Oct

Suffering from persistent cold Dalai Lama canceled teachings on 2nd and 3rd Oct

Dharamsala (Arvind Sharma)1/10/23

As the Tibetan spiritual leader H H The Dalai Lama is down with persistent cold, He shall not give scheduled teaching fixed for 2nd and 3rd of October at Dharamsala, however there is no announcement by the Dalai Lama Office for His third day’s teaching of 4th October.

In  a press release of his office it is said, “ On the advice of His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s personal physicians, His Holiness will take rest due to a persistent cold. In view of the scheduled teachings from October 2 to 4, which were requested by Taiwanese devotees, we have requested Gaden Tri Rinpoche to give the introductory teachings for the first and second days. We kindly request everyone’s understanding.

The Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama

1 October 2023”

H H The Dalai Lama is scheduled to visit Sikkim this month where He shall give Teachings in Gangtok on October 11 – 12, 2023 and then a day’s teachings at  Salugara, West Bengal on October 15, 2023, before his tour to Karnataka in November.

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